Dear Friends and Family,
As you have probably heard, Kim found out today that her cancer has returned. For now, I'm a bit numb, but right now I am thinking of all of you. I know how much you love Kim, and how hard this will be for you, just as it will be for us. Once again, I will try to do my best to keep you informed.
I would say, I'll start at the beginning, but it's really not a long story yet. This IS the beginning.
She had her bi-monthly check up today at PCMC. Blood tests showed that once again, her body is rampant with leukemia cells. She's been feeling a little under the weather lately- feverish, and bruising a bit. We were hoping it was just because her platelets were low. But then, that's what we had to hope, wasn't it?
She received the news around 4:00 pm today. They gave her a few transfusions, set a temporary line in her wrist, and told her that she could go home for a couple of hours to pack and tell her family. It was just Mom and Kim- Dad and I were at work today.
They drove strait home, knowing that if they called before hand, it would be too much of a struggle getting back. Dad was here when they arrived. They called me home from work.
They left just an hour ago, and once again will be checking into the ICS (Immuno-Compromised Services area)to begin treatment tonight. She is going to be having a lot of transfusions, as she is low in all of the good cells she needs.
Tomorrow she will have her bone marrow aspirate, the test where they draw cells from the marrow of her pelvis to see just how bad the cancer is. She will then have a Central/Broviach line placed again as soon as possible, and chemo treatments will begin.
Because this is her second time with cancer, she will be getting a bone marrow transplant. As you may remember, a sibling match would have been perfect, but neither Mike nor I are matches for her. She will have to be found a donor from the national registry. She should be getting her first transplant within a month or so, if a match can be found. You'll be hearing much more about this later.
For now, here is what I would ask from each of you:
1) Please pray for our family, especially for my brother Mike, who still has two and a half months left on his mission.
2) Please support Kim, but don't overwhelm her with visitors. It is so important that she doesn't get sick. It was one year ago exactly that an infection put her into the Intensive Care Unit and we almost lost her. They are also very strict about visitors at this time of year, and only allow two, for a short amount of time.
3) I need to find a home, either temporary or permanent, for her snake, and hopefully her cats. It is so hard to care for them.
Dad and I will be going down in a couple of days, and will be spending Christmas break in Salt Lake, between PCMC and the Ronald McDonald house. We don't know how long Kim will be there this first time, but it will most likely be quite a while.
Please understand that we are all very overwhelmed right now, and it may be a little while before we can handle a lot of communication or visits. We'll do our best, and I will keep you updated through this blog.
Thank you all for your love and support. We never could have done it without you last time, and we can't do it without you again this time.